Athens and environs
i – Akadimia Platonos revamp gets green light
ii – Many bronze tablets inscribed with financial transactions between institutions of Argos to be displayed at Epigraphic Μuseum Athens. Found in pottery jars/stone cases covered with stone slabs in a private pit, originally housed at Treasury of Temenos of Pallas Athena
i – A visit to Argos & a plethora of nearby Sites – the Pyramid of Elliniko, Mycenae, Heraion, Midea – Dendra, Tiryns, Epidaurus……:
ii – Unsolvable Megalithic Mystery of ancient Greek “Dragon Houses” – Drago Spitiko of Evvia/Euboea [fabulous area]
iii – A tour of Mycenae – It’s All Greek To Me
iv – Restored ancient theatre of Dodona opened to the public
v – Scientists announced on Sunday they have discovered what they believe is the marble head of Hercules, human teeth, and a trove of other artifacts related to the Antikythera shipwreck
vi – The Diolchos is being renovated at long last!
How The Ancient Greeks Transported 20 Ton War Ships Over Dry Land
vii – Volos Archaeological Museum Displays Ancient Greek Treasures